Monday, 22 November 2010

Sam went home.

I was very sad to see Sam go back home to Trevelog on Friday.  After arriving early to give him a good groom and make sure he looked his best, he was already to go.  His owners picked him up and I felt a little upset but then i reminded myself, they would be keeping up at the trekking centre for me to ride over the winter.  Whilst it is a bit further to travel, I won't need to go day every day whatever the weather, only when i want to ride Sam so it is probably for the best.

Whilst I was enjoying my time messing around down the stables and even the mucking out, everything else went downhill.  My house wasn't getting the cleaning it needed, the ironing pile was getting bigger and the Christmas shopping hadn't been started.

Anyway, I went up to Trevelog yesterday to ride Sam and we had a lovely ride despite the cold.  I had been a bit nervous as he had bucked me off the last time I rode him but he was back to his normal self.  I think he was glad to be home in familiar territory as he didn't like the stables and the schooling ring which were new to him.  So hopefully, he will be much happier back home and i won't fall off again.

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry that it didn't work out with Sam, but it's nice to hear that he is settling back into his usual surroundings. I can relate to you feeling that everything else was being neglected when you were taking care of Sam. It took me a good couple of months to get into a routine where I could still get everything I needed to get done done and still have quality time with Gem. And I don't have to muck out, etc.!! Having a horse is a big commitment. My routine with Gem is riding 3 times a week and I rarely deviate. Glad that you had a good ride on Sam on the weekend.
